A downloadable game for Windows

A simple game about... well, "juggling," in a very general sense. The ball's direction depends where it is relative to the player when you hit it. Use this to keep it from going into walls!

Made this for the DataBlade 2 jam, which had the theme 'It never ends'. I initially thought of doing some sort of high-score game, but I decided to go with trying to do a combo-oriented game instead. I guess it amounts to essentially the same thing, huh?

I'm not going to pretend this is impressive by any stretch. This was my first time dabbling in Unreal and writing C++ code for it. I started with UE4's third person template, and then extended it almost entirely with C++.

Needless to say, the character you play is part of the template. So is most of the level layout. Pretty much all of my time spent on this was figuring out how to get things done via code.

I've posted the source code on GitLab. For some highlights, here's the ball-launching code. The ball code which is set up to interface with blueprints, since the UI was easier to deal with that way.


UnrealJuggler-v3.zip 102 MB

Install instructions

Extract and run. I can see about compiling Linux and Mac versions, but compiling is a long process, so I'll hold off until later.

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